Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to make a map of geotagged photos with Flickr

The following is a 10-step process to take photos with your phone and make a map with the photos for your site.

You're going to need a Flickr account (You can sign in with Facebook or Google, and if you have a Yahoo! account you already have one).

1. Take photo with phone.
2. Share to Flickr (preferably in the same album) IPhone? You can email photos to Flickr (thanks to Siobhan Connally for the tip) or use the Flickr app. Make sure geolocation is on.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.
4. Go to Flickr, your photos should be there.

5. Click on a photo and 'Add to map'

6. Your photoset (album) should have all your photos in a single map. Click on the map link.

You should see something like this.  But you want to embed your map to your site, right? Of course!

7. Visit and hit 'Create a map.'
8.Add your user URL, which is

9. Pick your album and hit 'Create a map.'
You can geotag your photos later too. Find out how to do this.
10. Grab the embed code and paste in your site. You can change the look and settings if you want.

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